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Monday, July 30, 2018
Friday, September 22, 2017
Homeopathy - How It Can Treat STDs?
STDs can have adverse effects on the human body, if left untreated. The challenge with these diseases is they can be silent and present with absolutely no symptoms for a long time. The disease, however, does its damage on the body with even infertility and death being extreme results.
Homeopathy as with all other diseases treats not just the symptoms of the disease but treats the root cause of the problem as a whole. After a long chat, the homeopath will identify the whole set of symptoms and then provide treatment. The following are some common STDs and their homeopathic treatment options.
- Genital warts: There are more than 40 types of viruses that can cause genital warts which can be vary in size, shape, and appear within weeks to months of exposure to the virus. A tincture or paste made of bloodroot or comfrey can be used to treat most genital warts. They can be quiet for weeks to months sometimes and therefore it is very important to get treated if there is a suspicion.
- Genital herpes: Caused by both type 1 and 2 herpes viruses, they also affect other parts of the body including oral cavity and throat. The type 2 is almost always limited to the genital area. This can be transmitted through oral or genital route and in most cases the first lesions appear about a couple of weeks after exposure. It is very important to clean the bathroom and shower area if it has been shared with someone who could be infected. These can be very painful, and though there is no cure, some topical treatment in the form of paste of licorice root and rice can be helpful. Peppermint tea also helps soothe the pain in the genital area. Bicarbonate of soda can be used on a cotton ball to clean the area and prevent itching. Cotton balls soaked in milk are also useful for topical relief. Using ice packs or cold used tea bags also provide topical pain relief. In herpes, it is essential not just to treat the person but also the partner(s) who could be involved.
- Chlamydia: Another silent disease which can affect the internal organs leading to serious issues like pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility without showing any symptoms. About 50% of the females and 40% of the males do not show any symptoms and diagnosis is usually delayed, prompted by other symptoms. Coptis and Scute are two homeopathy components which are shown to provide relief in chlamydial infections.
Sexually transmitted disease, if suspected, needs to be discussed so that the disease can be managed at an early stage and serious complications can be prevented. It is also important to get your partner tested for the disease as well.
Cellulitis - How Homeopathy Can Help Treat It?
Cellulitis is an intense and chronic aggravation of the connective tissue of the skin, brought on by infection with a kind of bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus or other microbes). Cellulitis often occurs on uncovered areas of the body, for example, the arms, legs, and the face. It is basically characterised by excessive redness, swelling, warmth and pain or pain at even the most delicate touch.
Homeopathic medications are extremely productive in treating cellulitis, although these will have to be prescribed by a doctor only. The medicines work very efficiently by increasing the immunity of the patient along with a decrease in the swelling, pain and burning in cellulitis. Indeed, even in instances of cellulitis with blister formation, homeopathic medications are very effective and are usually administered in small doses of natural elements. Following are some of the homeopathic medications so as to cure cellulitis:
Homeopathic medications are extremely productive in treating cellulitis, although these will have to be prescribed by a doctor only. The medicines work very efficiently by increasing the immunity of the patient along with a decrease in the swelling, pain and burning in cellulitis. Indeed, even in instances of cellulitis with blister formation, homeopathic medications are very effective and are usually administered in small doses of natural elements. Following are some of the homeopathic medications so as to cure cellulitis:
- Belladonna for redness of skin during cellulitis: The Homeopathic cure Belladonna is a normal medicine for cellulitis where the skin is extremely red and swollen giving it a sparkling appearance. Patients that feel excruciating pain even at the slightest touch will also require Belladonna.
- Apis Mellifica for cellulitis during swelling: Apis mellifica is suited for those instances of cellulitis where there is much swelling of the affected zone along with a burning and stinging pain. Apis mellifica helps those cases of cellulitis in which the smouldering pain is relieved by applying something cool over the skin and the pain that quickly spreads over various parts of the body.
- Ledum Palsture for cellulitis due to insect bites: The Homeopathic solution Ledum palustre holds a very effective reputation in treating those instances of cellulitis that occur because of bug bites. This common homeopathic solution is used as a part of cellulitis when there is a cold sensation in the affected area with tearing pain.
- Pyrogenium for septicaemia in cellulitis: Pyrogenium is a well-known solution for treating this condition. It is used for a number of symptoms. This could include a fever with the body temperature being 103 to 106 degrees. It rises rapidly with an unusually fast heartbeat and restlessness.
- Calendula Officinalis in Post-surgical cellulitis: Without a doubt, the best homeopathic solution for cellulitis that has come after surgical cuts is Calendula officinalis. This prescription acts productively as a corrective as well as a preventive measure for pus formation on the skin after the surgery.
- Silicea for treating cellulitis when blisters show up on the skin: The homeopathic cure Silicea gives great results when blisters or sores are shaped on the skin in extreme cellulitis cases. These blisters are usually filled with pus, which is quite harmful if the blister bursts. Silicea is also used when there is fever with chills and perspiration. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult me Dr.Soni Homeopathy & Hair Reatoration diagnostic Centre
Homeopathic treatments for scalp Ringworm
Ringworm (Dermatophytosis) is a contagious disease, which affects the skin, nails and scalp. It is a fungal infection that can affect diverse areas of your body gravely. Tinea is a medical term for ringworm. It is not a life-threatening or fatal condition as such. It can very easily be treated with homeopathic treatments, all of which will have to prescribed by a doctor specifically. This skin condition is especially normal among teenagers. This condition is not that serious till the time it affects the scalp severely. There are distinctive sorts of ringworm influencing every body part.
Homeopathic cures the contagious disease and turns on the melanin creating cells in the skin. This further enhances the surface of the skin, trims down growth of new patches, and gradually returns to its typical condition without leaving any pigmentation or scars. As Homeopathy treats the scalp ringworms from the inside, when the protected treatment is finished successfully, it is impossible that the patches return again as compared to other kinds of treatments. Homeopathic cures are regular, delicate, safe and simple to take. The treatment might seem like it is not showing immediate effects but it will gradually eradicate the disease from its roots so that it never grows back.
Homeopathy is based on the standard of 'like curing like'. This means that the homeopath takes a touch of the plant material, deactivates it and simply uses it like an antibody or a vaccine. He or she infuses the patient's body with little amounts of it. Most effective and mainstream homeopathy solutions for treating scalp ringworm are:
Sepia: Sepia is acquired from squid's ink as contact with the ink creates the same symptoms as those delivered by the ringworms. The expert will put forward a few questions including those about your eating routine, past ailments, how often the ringworm has happened, and your capacity to handle the heat, cold and so forth. He or she will then recommend Sepia in the right intensity depending on your answers to the above-mentioned questions. Sepia is a very effective homeopathic solution for treating ringworms in children especially the individuals who tend to sweat a lot, especially during the evening.
Sulfur: Sulfur is an extremely powerful homeopathic cure used for treating ringworms in the scalp. It is a perfect medicine for when the scalp ringworm infections cause itching, hair loss, pus discharge, blisters and sores. Sulfur based homeopathy creams can also be used on the scalp to get rid of the ringworm.
Rhus Toxicodendron: This homeopathy solution for ringworm is usually obtained by refining poison ivy leaves overnight. They are distilled for hours. Poison ivy additionally delivers same symptoms as those of ringworm, so Rhus Tox is a perfect homeopathic medicine for treating scalp ringworm side effects like burning sensations, pain in the scalp, continuous itching and so on. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult me at my clinic Dr.Soni Homoeopathy & Hair Restoration Diagnostic centre
Sulfur: Sulfur is an extremely powerful homeopathic cure used for treating ringworms in the scalp. It is a perfect medicine for when the scalp ringworm infections cause itching, hair loss, pus discharge, blisters and sores. Sulfur based homeopathy creams can also be used on the scalp to get rid of the ringworm.
Rhus Toxicodendron: This homeopathy solution for ringworm is usually obtained by refining poison ivy leaves overnight. They are distilled for hours. Poison ivy additionally delivers same symptoms as those of ringworm, so Rhus Tox is a perfect homeopathic medicine for treating scalp ringworm side effects like burning sensations, pain in the scalp, continuous itching and so on. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult me at my clinic Dr.Soni Homoeopathy & Hair Restoration Diagnostic centre
Hair loss treatment in homeopathy
Hair loss often starts as a problem we tend to brush aside until it actually starts showing up in worrying quantities on the hair brush. Suddenly, we observe our scalp to be more visible, there is more hair in the shower drain, on our shoulders and on our seats.
It is common to shed around 50 hairs in a day but when this dramatically changes to 150+ a day, you need to take action as quickly as possible.
These alternative ways will help ensure you don't suffer from any hair loss. These include:
Having a dry scalp can also increase itchiness. It would be a good idea to use natural oil on your hair before you wash it if that's the reason behind your itch.
Sensitivity to a new product may be causing a sudden itchiness in your scalp. So, if you have switched to a new shampoo, mousse or anything else, do try abstaining from applying it for a few days to see if the itchiness subsides.
Instead of scratching, pat or rub the sensitive area with the flat of your fingers.
Sensitivity to a new product may be causing a sudden itchiness in your scalp. So, if you have switched to a new shampoo, mousse or anything else, do try abstaining from applying it for a few days to see if the itchiness subsides.
Instead of scratching, pat or rub the sensitive area with the flat of your fingers.
4. When your scalp feels itchy, try and distract yourself. The more you think about how itchy your scalp is, the more it will itch. While scratching your hair does lead to hair loss, the good news is your hair will grow back because the damage is not permanent. However, it is not advisable to keep scratching your head because you'll just lose more hair.
Homeopathic treatment to deal with hair loss:
Homeopathic treatment to deal with hair loss:
Phosphorus: Phosphorus is a homeopathic treatment that is used to treat hair loss. It promotes hair growth in spots where hair loss has occurred.
Sulphur: Sulphur is an excellent homeopathic remedy to treat hair loss as it promotes hair growth. It also eliminates dandruff from the scalp.
Natrum Muriaticum: This homeopathic remedy is made from sodium chloride and is used to treat hair problems resulting from skin complications. It is also recommended for women who face hair loss from menstrual problems. It treats dandruff and hair disorders due to hormonal imbalances. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult me at my clinic Dr.Soni Homoeopathy & Hair Restoration Diagnostic centre
Friday, June 23, 2017
Monday, April 17, 2017
Retrograde Ejaculation - Role of Homeopathy In Treating It!
Retrograde ejaculation is a disorder of the male reproductive system. It is the entry of semen into the urinary bladder. In this case, the sperm fails to emerge through the penis at the time of ejaculation. It is to be noted that the male patient may continue to reach sexual climax, though. He may not ejaculate or very little semen. It is medically termed as a dry orgasm. It is a major cause of male infertility. This is a rare problem. Only 0.3 to 2% of the infertility problems due to male are caused by this disorder.
There are certain risk factors attached to this disorder. This may occur due to the following reasons:
- Nerve damage caused due to Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis
- Bladder or Prostate Surgery
- Side effects of certain drugs taken for high blood pressure or mood disorder
- Spinal cord injuries
- Symptoms: The obvious symptoms of this disorder are listed below:
- Little or no semen discharged during ejaculation
- Male infertility
- Cloudy urine post sexual climax
Signs and tests: This can be detected through urine analysis. The test is conducted on the urine collected shortly after ejaculation. It will reveal the presence of a large amount of sperm in it.
Prevention: It is advisable to keep the sugar levels under control and check. Avoid medicines that can lead to this condition as a side-effect.
Complications: It is not a fatal condition. But it will lead to unwanted complications in your life. You will have to face the stress and strain of being infertile. It will hamper your conjugal relationship and sex life to a great extent.
Deal with retrograde ejaculation by homoeopathy: A homoeopathic practitioner will take a detailed report of your lifestyle first. It may include information about your habits, lifestyle, food choices, other preferences, etc. It helps the doctor to understand your basic constitution of the body. Thereafter, the right homoeopathic medicine stimulates the body and starts taking action against the disorder. The first course of action of the medicine is the primary action. After this, the body produces a secondary action, specifically against the disease. Homoeopathy provides a total treatment of this problem and the results are long-lasting.
It treats all the factors causing the disease and also lessens the risk factors. Acute drugs are prescribed to treat symptoms like abnormal semen discharge. Constitutional treatment offers relief from distressful symptoms like a dry orgasm. Regular homoeopathic treatment aims to correct the abnormality of the sympathetic nervous system that controls the process of ejaculation.
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